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Parachuting in Buenos Aires

Home » Buenos Aires Tourism » Parachuting in Buenos Aires

Parachuting in Buenos Aires is the greatest experience. After receiving a brief instruction from the instructor with the explanation about what Salto en Paracaídas en Buenos Airesthe Jump Baptism consists of and the basic positions for a safe jump, we will climb up to 3,000 meters (10,000 feet).

From this height and hooked with total safety to your instructor, you will jump and you will be able to enjoy the incredible sensation of almost a minute of free fall, where you will reach a speed of more than 200 km/h; until reaching the 1500 meters, height at which your instructor will open the parachute. The jump is not over yet, now you can enjoy between 5 to 8 minutes of flight with your parachute open.

– You can jump every day. For Saturdays, Sundays and holidays it is suggested to contact in advance. Limited places.
– Place: The jump area is located one hour from the City of Buenos Aires.
– Includes transportation.
– In case of bad weather conditions the jump will be rescheduled.
– If you chose a jump that includes photos or video, you will be given more than 40 photos and a video edited on DVD.
– Requirements: good health and weight no more than 95 kg.

The starting point is Avenida de Mayo 980 (8 AM). Free transportation just for passengers who jump.


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